North West Branch Photos Gallery

Golden Pheasant 29th January 2025

The Romper 9th October 2024

28 people joined our Autumn lunch at The Romper, 9th November 2023

Here are some photos from past events, over 2,000 more images are available on the North West RSA Flickr account.

Note that this will take you away from the official RSA website. This Flikr account is viewable by all, if you want to add, amend or delete a photo then please contact the Branch secretary.

MACC Anniversary

Manchester Air Traffic Control Centre, opened as a sub-centre replacing Barton Hall (Preston ACC) & PATCRU on 31st January 1975. It became a centre in its own right in 1993. On January 23rd 2010 the centre closed for good when services were transferred to the new Scottish Centre at Prestwick.

On 22nd January 2020, almost 10 years to the day - with support from the RSA, 55 ex colleagues came together to celebrate the 10th anniversary since the closure. This took place at the fabulously restored 1932 Art Deco Super Cinema & Theatre, The Plaza in Stockport.

Guests enjoyed a welcome drink, followed by many photos of the centre taken over the 35 years, shown on the giant screen in the main theatre auditorium – accompanied by the Plaza’s very own rare Compton Organ that still rises and falls just like it did in 1932. We were then able to view many local BBC Newsreel clips that were taken over the life of MACC. Brought back many memories.

After this, we adjourned to the Café for a lovely buffet and entertainment from local vocalist Andy Powell, to finish a great day of memories and nostalgia.

Below are some photos of the event, see more photos on the North West Branch’s Flikr account.

All North West Branch photos

For all the North West Branch photos, visit our Flickr account!

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